relaxed happenings of a photographic and mixed media sort

Posts tagged “tabitha berry artist

Chemigram Landscapes, Cameraless Photography



“a fond memory of the future”  2015                                               20″ x 16″ Chemigram Silver Gelatin Print

                                        Tabitha Berry



“the tide came in to listen”  2015                                                       20″ x 16″ Chemigram Silver Gelatin Print

                                        Tabitha Berry



“we all fancy things unreal”  2015                                                     20″ x 16″ Chemigram Silver Gelatin Print

                                        Tabitha Berry



Untitled, 2015                                                                                    20″ x 16″ Chemigram Silver Gelatin Print

                                        Tabitha Berry


International Mixed Media Postcard Swap 2014/2015

If you have never participated in a postcard swap (or any swap) before, I would encourage you to to find a group and try one out. This will be my third time participating and I have received almost all cards from those committing to the events. The swaps not only get me motivated to experiment and play (which are my two favorite aspects of creativity), but I also receive delightful handmade items in the mail. This particular group that I participate with includes individuals from around the globe.

For this swap, I decided to slightly alter some test prints and cast-offs from a past series of mine, Insentient Portrait Series, 2011 (this series can be viewed on my previous blog post). I have a couple of definite favorites and I certainly hope that the recipients of the cards are pleased. Some cards have more work on them, whereas the others I felt “less is more”.





I’d also like to share what my “workspace” looks like from time to time. It is temporary and ever-moving about the house. My family is very patient with me when I set it up. (Forgive the blank walls. We renovated this past summer and I just haven’t figured our arrangement quite yet.)



Swap sponsered by — ShannonGanshorn —

Insentient Portrait Series, 2011

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Insentient Portrait Series, 2011

Antique malls are ever-changing “cabinets are curiosity” for me. I particularly enjoy the personalities of each booth and how they are displayed. Within these booths, I find that the mannequins, dolls, and statues that live within these spaces are dramatis personae – not just objects on a shelf. Like humans, some have a long-term or permanent role to play and some are unsettled, filling a position for only a brief period of time. The one thing they have in common is the vendor of the booth. The vendor is the master that controls the role(s) they are to play. Although I like to call these spaces “found scenes”, the act of photography essentially changes the scene from a still life to a portrait of that character in its habitat.
This series of portraits is an exploration of the identity of these inanimate figures brought to life by their role in life, and how the viewer draws on the clues and their own interpretation to create meaning.

Shot with Twin Lens Medium Format Camera
Silver Gelatin Fiber Paper

Two Thousand What?

Here is the deal. I love hand-drawn type — my skills are not refined. I am literally quite elementary at it.

You have to start somewhere to improve, though. Right? And in such cases, someone has to be on the receiving end of another’s creativity. The following images are from a hand-drawn 2015 calendar that I made for my brother-in-law and sister-in-law for Christmas. It’s nothing fancy, but I enjoyed the final result. I hope they do as well.

Two thousand what

Unwritten Future — The Tale of the Unfortunate Fly

I made a peculiar discovery today. A gross but comical and intriguing discovery. A discovery that involves a normal unimpressive red grading pen and a normal unimpressive housefly.






While on the computer earlier, something about the pen caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. At first I thought one of my children punched a hole into an eraser with the end of the pen. Then, I thought that somehow some thread ended up in the tip. I stopped just short of picking the thread out with my fingernails when I realized what was in the end of the pen! (*shiver)

A fly!

A fly?!?

No way!

Well that couldn’t happen if you tried!

I recall the pen getting separated from the cap. I’ve had the cap on my dresser for awhile, waiting to find it’s missing mate. I found the pen the other day and capped it.

We have been remodeling our living room, dining room and kitchen. And with the remodel … flies make their way in through open doors and windows. I suppose this guy found his way into inside the cap. And when I capped the pen. Well, unfortunately, the fly was trapped unknowingly. (*yuck!) He apparently attempted an escape, but to no avail.












Video selection from my video installation, “Playing with Process”



Video selection from my video installation, “Playing with Process”


thaumatrope stills screen capture



From August through December, I worked on a semester-long project for an advanced Scultpture class that was to become a video installation that I felt was a success. I’ll share some footage from it soon. … Meanwhile, here is a video that didn’t make the cut, but it is one that I still enjoy.

